Voice message of Torben – in jail for over 3 months and not knowing why! 12 oktober 2022

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In this video, Torben is reading his statement to us through a prison phone about his imprisonment. Please share this video with as many as you can, to give attention to his case. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS https://www.friendsoftorben.com/faq/ MORE INFO ABOUT TORBEN'S CASE https://friendsoftorben.com HELP TORBEN AND HIS FAMILY WITH THE LEGAL COSTS https://www.givesendgo.com/friendsoft... HELP US TO TRANSLATE THIS VIDEO https://thelastreformation.com/help-w... OTHER LANGUAGES French - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awva0... ---------- WATCH MOVIES OF THE LAST REFORMATION https://thelastreformation.com/movies FIND DISCIPLES NEAR YOU https://tlrmap.com



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