Q&A LIVE With Amir Tsarfati & Pastor Barry Stagner – answers questions on Bible prophecy, current events, and much more! 9-12-2024

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In this live Q&A, Amir Tsarfati is joined by Pastor Barry Stagner to answer your questions on Bible prophecy, current events, and much more. Topics discussed include:

  • Syria: The fall of Assad’s regime, Israel’s role, and the ripple effects for Iran and Lebanon.
  • Bible Prophecy: The connection between the fall of Damascus and the Ezekiel 38 war.
  • Middle East Updates: What’s next for Israel, Lebanon, and Syria in the coming days.
  • The Rapture: Where does the Rapture fit in with the current prophetic timeline?
  • Messianic Judaism: The impact of the war on Messianic Jews in Israel.

Amir and Pastor Barry also discuss Isaiah 53, the significance of the Jewish Messiah, and the differences between how it’s interpreted in Judaism and Christianity. Watch as they answer deep, insightful questions and share biblical perspectives on current events unfolding in the Middle East. Don’t miss this important conversation on the state of the world through the lens of Bible prophecy! Will the dramatic change in Syria bring peace or more turmoil? And do you see any ripple effects for a change in Iran and Lebanon as well? (4:05) Can the events since October 7th possibly be part of an Ezekiel 38 reinterpretation? (9:55) Could the current Israeli occupation (Israeli territory) of the Golan Heights be elaborated on? (14:50) Why must there still be sin and death in the Millennium Kingdom? (20:05) Why did the Syrian president (Assad) go to Russia? (24:40) What’s next with eschatological events? (28:05) What does the movement of Messianic Judaism look like in Israel now? Did it change through this war? (31:45) Is it possible that the Iranian people will have a chance to rise up against the regime for their freedom? (37:40) According to Ezekiel 38:1-6, Magog (Russia) will need help acquiring the land of Israel and will form a confederation of nations to attack the Promised Land. Are European nations included? (43:00) When we get raptured and get our glorified bodies, will children still be children? (46:50) What is the best way to put Isaiah 53 into ‘view’? The Orthodox skip over this, but many have come to the Messiah when they read it. (49:00) Be sure to like, subscribe, and share with others. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://buff.ly/36cDNpo Order Amir’s new book "The Sick Man's Rage": https://amzn.to/4fohKzF Follow us on social media: Instagram:   / beholdisrael   Facebook:   / beholdisrael   Telegram: https://t.me/beholdisraelchannel Visit our website: https://beholdisrael.org Public Reading of Scripture: http://beholdprs.org DVD’s & Digital Downloads: https://shop.beholdisrael.org Latest Middle East News: https://beholdisrael.org/news/ Bible Teachings: https://beholdisrael.org/watch-and-li... Articles: https://beholdisrael.org/articles/ Teaching Around the World: https://beholdisrael.org/teaching-aro... Bible Experience Tours: https://beholdisrael.org/bible-experi...



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