Just when you think global pressure against the Jewish State could not be more absurd, prominent leaders in Israel now face arrest by the International Criminal Court. Meanwhile, is a ceasefire between the IDF and Hamas in Gaza imminent? Also, hear the latest about the antisemitic mobs that have taken over college campuses coast to coast. Watch now. #Israel #Gaza #InternationalCourt #Hamas #TheWatchman Please join us in praying for Israel. Please show your support to our friends at Meir Panim today at http://mpgive.org Shop The Watchman merch now: https://shop.tbn.org/the-watchman/ Check out our channel for MORE and be sure to subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheWatchman... Watch full episodes of Stakelbeck Tonight for FREE on TBN+: https://watch.tbn.org/the-watchman-wi... The Watchman Show is LIVE Thursdays 10PM ET // Fridays 6:30PM ET on TBN FOLLOW ERICK: http://twttr.com/erickstakelbeck http://fb.me/erickstakelbeck http://instagr.am/erick.stakelbeck http://erickstakelbeck.com