Is Gog/Magog Bible Prophecy UNFOLDING In Israel Right Now? | Amir Tsarfati | TBN – 3 januari 2024!

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Amir Tsarfati joins Mati Shoshani to unpack a major end times war against Israel mentioned in Ezekiel 38. Plus, Erick Stakelbeck and David Rubin discuss the biblical values of faith and family that the Jewish people embody that is increasingly becoming absent in today's culture. Don't miss this powerful insight from TBN! This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®. SUBSCRIBE:    / @tbnbibleprophecyworldevent   TBN: Bible Prophecy and World Events examines world events in light of Bible prophecy. Here you'll find content from your favorite Bible teachers, speakers, pastors, and authors, featuring Jonathan Cahn, Erick Stakelbeck, Yair Pinto, Joel Rosenberg, Shawn Bolz, and more. Get ready to discover the facts that shed light on these dark times! #endtimes #israel #prophecy #bible #christianity #judaism #tbn



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