Hezbollah Threatens Israel with WAR Over Natural Gas as Iran ROCKED by Protests | Watchman Newscast – 20 september 2022

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On today's Watchman Newscast, host Erick Stakelbeck highlights a looming showdown between Israel and Hezbollah. The Iran-backed terror group is threatening to attack Israel over its soon-to-be operational Karish natural gas field. Will Israel cross Hezbollah’s so-called “red line”? Plus, Iran faces international criticism after a 22-year-old woman is declared brain dead just hours after reports spread that she was beaten and arrested by the Iranian regime’s “morality police.” Will growing protests over her death rock the Iranian regime? Watch now on the Watchman Newscast! #Israel #KarishGasField #TheWatchman You can show your support for Meir Panim by going to http://meirpanim.erickstakelbeck.com/ Check out our channel for MORE and be sure to subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheWatchman... Watch full episodes of The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck for FREE on the TBN App: https://watch.tbn.org/the-watchman-wi... The Watchman Show is LIVE Thursdays 10PM ET // Fridays 6:30PM ET on TBN FOLLOW ERICK: http://twttr.com/erickstakelbeck http://fb.me/erickstakelbeck http://instagr.am/erick.stakelbeck http://erickstakelbeck.com

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