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Bible Lands Unveiled is a series of on-location Bible studies that will give you a look at the impact of the Gospel around the world. This set was filmed in Greece and includes four messages, “I Have Many People in this City”, “Turn the World Upside Down”, “The Unknown God” and “Run The Race!”.
Open brief aan Mark Rutte van David Maasbach 28 juni 2022
A special Sunday Happening Now message on a selection of Scriptures of Jesus words on fundamental life issues in our current world. Past, present and future, what the Bible says and why it matters in our lives today.
Wanneer de Bazuin klinkt – 19 jun. 2022 – Een bijzonder indringende video!
Tea(T)ching – ‘Rusland, Israël, de tijd waarin we leven’ (Maart 2022) Jacob Folkerts.
Jesus saves!!! David Lou Bega testimony/street preaching at JESUS SAVES Tour Rotterdam 17.06.2022
Pastor Tom Hughes van ‘Hope for our Times’ spreekt over de laatste slag om de mensheid die gestreden wordt. We zien de ontwikkeling, de geboorte van de nieuwe wereldorde, het laatste Rijk van de mens.
Wat heeft de profeet Zacharia te zeggen over Israël en de eindtijd? In deze preek neemt Philip ons mee om deze vraag te beantwoorden. Maar eerst kijken we naar de backbone/ruggegraat van Bijbelse profetie.
Don’t miss today’s Watchman Newscast LIVESTREAM on our channel between 4 and 5 pm Eastern time! Topics we’ll cover include the collaboration within the European Union to allow “significant” exports of Israeli gas to Europe for the first time as Europe looks to replace Russian energy