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Yuval Noah Harari is often referred to as “the prophet.” He a Jewish vegan, openly gay, pro-transhumanist who is obsessed with rejecting the God of his fathers and turning humans into gods. He is the lead advisor to Klaus Schwab of the WEF. His words are very antichrist-esk. The things he wants to do sound familiar to what eventually the antichrist will do in the future. Although he is not the antichrist, he definitely has the Spirit of Lawlessness working through him. We will examine what he says on today’s broadcast.
JD Farag “Aan de eindstreep bijbelprofetie” Bijbelprofetie update Nederlandse ondertiteling 24-07-2022!
Pastor JD talks about our propensity for impatience, weariness and even complaining in our waiting for the Lord’s return in the rapture of the church.
Pastor JD spreekt over het profetische sneeuwbaleffect met wat er vandaag de dag in de wereld gebeurt met betrekking tot de snelheid en het niet te stoppen momentum van Bijbelprofetie.
Een ernstige boodschap van gastspreker Hans Agteres.
Brother Chad discusses the breaking news out of the Middle East and why it is very significant regarding End Times Bible Prophecy.
Pastor JD spreekt over hoe wedergeboren Christenen, hoewel zij vurige beproevingen ondergaan, beschermd en bewaakt zullen worden tot het laatste uur wanneer de bazuin zal klinken
►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network ►Music licensed through Artlist.io ►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and Storyblocks ►Animation: Tina Davidson ►Writer: David Kolawole