8-4-22 Preparing Spiritually for What’s Coming [Prophecy Update] – 4 augustus 2022- Brandon Holthaus

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As we continue to see the spiritual darkness that is overtaking the world, we believers need to prepare for what we are going to experience and so our spiritual lives need to grow to the next level. Many of us do not possess the spiritual maturity or the character that will help us as the heat turns up more and more. If you would like to be added to our text alerts, please click here and complete your contact information. https://rockharborchurchca.ccbchurch…. Look for us on: Rumble – Rock Harbor Church Bakersfield – https://rumble.com/user/RHCBakersfield BitChute – RHCBakersfield – https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wNE8… Sermon Audio – Rock Harbor Church – https://www.sermonaudio.com/dashboard/ I am Pastor Brandon Holthaus, and I want to welcome you to our Rock Harbor Church’s YouTube Channel. We desire to reach people with the truth; believers and unbelievers alike. We connect dots of events that are happening in the world from a Biblical perspective and also a prophetic perspective. We offer prophecy updates, discipleship lessons, and sermons to help people grow in the Lord and come to the knowledge of the truth. https://rockharborchurch.net LINKS FOR THIS VIDEO ON DIFFERENT PLATFORMS: Here is the Link to Rumble: https://rumble.com/v1ep4f3-8-4-22-pre… Here is the Link to BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IXEajF…

