Rise of Europe & the Prophetic Beast: Is the Final World Order Emerging? | A Biblical Worldview

Are recent global events with Germany’s new leadership, Europe talking of rearming and militarization, the Pope perhaps on his deathbed, the questions surrounding the selection and direction of a new Pope, and the red heifers and third temple talk in Israel aligning with Bible prophecy? From Europe’s rising power to Israel’s Third Temple preparations, we may be witnessing the beginning of the fulfillment of end-time prophecies in the books of Daniel and Revelation. In this Biblical Worldview message, UCG President Rick Shabi speaks of the convergence of these global and prophetic signposts that will lead to the new world order as described in the Bible and the return of Jesus Christ. What role will the “Beast” of Revelation and “King of the North” of Daniel 11 play in end-time events? Stay informed and discover what these developments mean for the future and Christ’s return.



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